Been fighting some kind of a tendon problem in my left arm. Probably comes from trying too hard to learn how to play the fiddle. I'm pretty tough, determined and so with some stretching and a lighter schedule I'm healing up. Still practicing like a fiend, because I'm going to master that 4-stringed monster.

So, tomorrow night, playing with Cody Ray at the Lone Star Saloon, a real Texas roadhouse in Richmond by the train tracks. I'll be playing some guitar, mandolin, pedal and lap steel. If you're in the area, come on out and say hello.
Yeah, I may go back to running my own band someday. Right now I'm content to show up, plug in and wail. I'll let someone else deal with the crappy world of booking gigs and dealing with band members. It may or may not last, but for now it's great to just play. And play.
If by luck you're nearby, come one out- tequila's on me...