Sunday, November 26, 2006

Wow, the new Sons of Kemnay....

We had such a great time in Kemnay last night, warm welcome, nice room full of people and great acoustics.

I had a feeling it was going to be a great gig when we were driving down the highway into town and say a series of small signs on the roadside, about the size of an A3 sheet of paper that read:





With publicity like that, well, we knew we were in the right track. And the thing abut Scots is that they're very much like Alaskans in their open-minded attitude towards music and willingness to have goot time. So, once everything was loaded in and set up we relaxed to hear Paul Tasker's new band the Doghouse Roses, an acoustic duo that reminded me of the Cowboy Junkies. Great music to relax to, and eat a pizza (which we did with reckless abandon)

At 10 pm it was our turn, and the guys corked off a great set right from the opening number. My instruction were to play a 'listening' set first and a dancing set later so people would hang around till the end. We managed to keep people sitting till around the 3rd number and then everyone (inclulding the band) was up and dancing and carrying on. So, we ended up with two long sets of dancing and carrying on.

Thanks to all of you that joined us last night, and those of you that took the CDs home! And to Dave and the rest of the crew that worked so hard to put on the show, thanks as well- you all did an excellent job with all the organizing and such. And for the honor of being tagges ' Honorary Sons of Kemnay'? Well, what can I say? We are really flattered....