Thursday, November 03, 2005

Blues for my Brother benefi for the Brother Francis Homeless Shelter update

Well, the Brother Francis Shelter benefit is next week, and I'm getting everything organized from 9 timezones away. It's going to be a great show, and while I may be a little jet-lagged it's worth it for the chance to play music with old friends and support a worthy cause. Six months of planning comes down to this- here's the schedule.

The Schedule:

6:00 Doors open for the dinner crowd
6:15 Welcome, program announcements and thanks
6:30-7:00 Rick Brooks
7:00-7:30 Veronica C. Page band

- short break to allow dinner clean-up
and admission of the later crowd.

8:00-8:30 Melissa Bledsoe Fisher
8:30-9:00 Son Henry
9:00-9:30 Big Robert T
9:30-10:15 Blue Lisa, headliner from Dallas
10:15-11:15 Otto 'Ottomatic Slim' headliner from Boston
11:15 Raffle draw
11:30-12:00 Spin the bottle (the band, not the game)

It's going to be a great night, lots of dancing and laughter. A stage full of monster musicians. Food. Raffle items. If it were me I'd go for the dinner tickets, reserve a place down close to the dance floor and bring really comforatble dancing shoes.

See you all there! I'll post pictures as soon as I get back!