Saturday, November 19, 2005

Recording, phase 1

I landed in Anchorage with thirty new songs and a goal of playing and recording as many of them as I could. Where do you start? With a great rhythm section, of course. I dragged John Clark and Joel Lockman into BBS Studios on Wednesday night with an eye towards recording as many scratch tracks as I could. In about 4 hours we had perfected the basics for seven songs for the new Son Henry Band record. And then the jet lag kicked in- I'd been on my feet for over 48 hours at that point with minimal sleep and already played a gig that day, so I was pretty wiped.

Here's Joel on the standup bass learning one of the tunes:

Here's me, smiling at how fast these guys can learn material!

And John, of course, talking to Buzz about sme arcane bit of drum recording lore.

The amazing thing is that these guys had never heard these tunes before, we learned them on the spot and recorded them. I think they're good songs, but these guys added that unusual element that makes this a great record.

So, Thursday it was off to the studio to finish everything, mostly singing and recording the lap steel parts. It's a pretty sparse record all in all, but the space is well-used and the grooves are pretty tight. I think you'll like it! And that was just the start of the week!