Saturday, March 24, 2007

Drummer-Cam photos from Kemnay

A little photo essay from Les, a drummer-cam of last nightst gig in Kemnay. That the Son Henry Band, a monster talent like Bob Hall on the piano and a 125 friend and you've the makings for a party. And that's just what it was. I think I have the photos more or less in chronological order.

All in all an amazing gig. Bob Hall and Hillary Blythe played a great opening set of boogie woogie and some old blues classics and a couple of original tunes too. After a short break to let Donald the blues DJ work his magic it was all us, with Bob sitting in on the piano. Having Bob involved totally turned things on their ear in great ways- lots of off-the-cuff blues and boogie, a head-cutting session over a Slim Harpo selection. Phew.

OK, more of the same at the Globe in Aberdeen on Thursday, and then we're off to Turrif on Friday. Hopefully we'll see you there.