Sunday, August 26, 2007

Bellrok Blues Festival, Day 1

Well, we're one day into the Bellrock Blues festival. Thought I'd write a bit before heading back to Arbroath for my last solo slot.

It's been an interesting festival. It's a different feel from the former Smokie Blues, and I can't quite put my finger on it. But that said, it was an odd experience being on my way to a gig for an 11 am downbeat. I think we playwed well,. Mike Oxley, covering for Dino, in particular, did a stellar job, and it was a great chance to try some new stoff on the fly.

From there we packed up, finishing at 1 and me scrambling over to the Newgate bar to get set up for a 2 pm gig. Talk about a panic- lots of traffic, impossible parkin situation and one-way streets. Wasn't sure that I'd make it. But Mike, sensing the stress level, volunteered to help me get there and settled before heading for home. Talk about a friend, someone that will sacrifice a sunny day to help you move gear. What can I say but thanks Mike!

Newgate was a great time, once the football match was over. Nice to get a chance to play a solo show that's more than one set long! It was also the first time I've been able to play lots of the new solo stuff for y'all in a sitation where the acoustics and the PA were up to the task. I ended up in the sidewalk for about a half-hour playing and warming up, talking to the smokers, while we all wated for the football to end.

And then off to the Station Bar for a second 2-hour show. I like that little pub, it's hard to set up there, but you jam 100 blues lovers in there and it's a rockin good time. That show was over before I knew it.

So, 3 down and one to go. As promised I'll play some different stuff at the Newgate this afternoon, more of the new solo stuff. Grab a bottle of sun tan lotion and head on over! I'm starting at 1 pm, and there will be pleanty of time to enjoy a cold beer and some warm sunshine.

OK, gotta run!