Party started at 12, which meant that we loaded in and set up at 10 a.m. Not really a big deal except that we played in Dundee the night before and were running on a couple hours sleep. But right out of the gate the music was great, starting with the Juke Joint Rollers. There was a great range of solo performers and duos in the afternoon, including Richard 'Snakehips' O'Donnell on the piano and guitar, the Bourach Brothers and Sliding Delta (Dougie and Lovat). The louder section of the night took off with Papa Mojo, a new band called Mr. Spider, my band and then Lazy Poker. Once the raffle was done we openend it up into an invitational jam that went till all hours of the morning.
And my buddy Eric sat through the whole thing and was still functional enough to drive me and a couple of others home at the end.
I could talk for hours, here's some pictures. The first on is my band, with Mel from Lazy Poker covering for Les:

This is Bob Telford from Wolftrain, great Chicago-style band:

And here is my buddy Lovat Fraser tuning up in the mens room....

And this is Paul Tasker from the Bourach Brothers, a great finger-style player:

And Sandy Mathers, the other half of the Bourach Brothers:

And finally Papa Mojo, with Billy Allardyce on the drums. Excellent guys to know, and great musicians too:

All in all it was a day to remember. We raised some money for people that need help and had a great time. What's more it's proof that blues musicians and fans are the same the world over, and I had a great time talking and getting to know everyone. I'm sure we'll do some event like this again.....