Wednesday, April 25, 2007

To that kid from youtube

Some 18 year old know-it-all on YouTube told me that I "need to take some guitar lessons from Derek Trucks", which makes as much sense as telling a keyboard player they need to take lessons from Paul Butterfield. That, and some other things that just ain't fit to print. On the off-chance you're reading this:

1. I own more than one CD, there are many other slide players in the world other than Derek Trucks. I don't expect you to understand, it requires an open mind.
2. You should post your own work on youtube, rather than illegal bootlegs of other peoples material.
3. Don't drink and type.

The 3rd one is the big one. I have nothing against anyone else that's 18, and any other new guitar players. This guy is an intellectual vomit stain on the world.