Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Arbroath, day 2

Well friends, the second day was a little more colourful than the first- bot only because I'm directionally challenged. I was sure I knew where I was going, I studied maps and google earth. I was confident. I'd studied the city, and had a plan. But I was wrong.

To be fair, I got close. Within a city block, in fact. I circled the block several times and drove my truck full of gear past a pair of Police Officers. By the 4th pass they flagged me down. "Lost, are we son?", they asked. Impressed that they new my name, I asked for their help. They pointed me in the right direction and off I went, only to drive by them again 100 feet down the road. More directions and more driving and I passed them a 3rd time. At this point they told me to just keep following them, the club was across the street from the Police Station.

Fortunately there was a parking place in front off the club and the PA went up without issue. It was a fun gog, we ended up playing some impromptu James Brown, Lynyrd Skynyrd and other oddities, as well as a bunch of tunes of the new CD. And then there was "murderer's row"- a bunch of great musicians all hanging out, including Billy Allardyce, Dave Blair, Gerry Jablonski. Intimidating bunch of friendly guys.

So, tonight (Turesday) I'm off to Drummmonds to hear Gerry Jablonski with Chris Simmonds and Steve Arvey. More gigs about to hit the calendar. Stay tuned. And thanks for hannging out with me and the band this weekend!