Sunday, August 21, 2005

How you know you're gigging in Scotland

On my way home I had one of those profound experiences while driving, the realization that after years of planning we're actually here, playing gigs.

That may sound odd, I mean we've been here since April. So at that level I totally understand. But at well past midnight I was driving the coast road home. It was a beautiful night, clear but everything was black, not a hint of blue in the sky. I hit this one length of road where I was driving along the edge of a cliff along a large secluded bay and I just had to stop. Sliver ribbon of monlight on the water, just a hint of fog and the North Sea surf, huge breakers. Absolutely beautiful. I've loved along the ocean most of my life and never seen something so stunning.

If my ears hadn't been still ringing from my gig it would have been perfect. Someone to share it with might have been nice too.....