Monday, May 21, 2007

On the fine art of band directions

I'm tired, bored and under-challenged. Alienated, disgruntled (was I ever gruntled to begin with?) and feeling underwhelmed with all things music these days. And so I write more songs as a cure.

Had a great rehearsal last week where we started assembling some new songs. It's great to throw things at the guys cold because they either *click* and become band songs or the fall face down on the canvas and become solo-set songs. A couple of tunes took a dive last Wednesday, but one or two kept swinging. And now they're in chute to join the set list. Let's face it, they're not all good, some need to fade out. The keepers are *keepers*.

And hey, as much as I love playing in some of the more rock clubs in town, it's not good for our blues playing. They have a natural gravitational pull that takes us away from roots playing, towards that sticky patch of the road with a blues-rock lay-by. Lots of over-the-top stuff. I miss the hip, understated feel of a good blues gig, with all the space. Yeah, there I said it, the loud guy likes silence. After all, it's the spaces that make the groove.

So, today we're looking for a whole new shows worth of funky, swampy tunes with great grooves and hip changes, and insightful lyrics that tell life like it is. Gotta run, time to get away from the computer and get back to work!