Sunday, May 20, 2007

Since it's my birthday today.....

Yep, it's today.

I really don't want presents. I have lots of things, so I don't need more things. If you want to get something for me, how about this instead? Just do something nice for someone else, doesn't matter who it is or what you choose to do. That's what I want this year.

It's actually the second time that I've flipped this number on my calendar. I *thought* I had this birthday last year too. As it turned out I did the math wrong last year, and I didn't realize it until about a month ago- I woke up one morning like a shot after realizing that I'd slipped a digit. I broke in on my wife in the shower and asked here "HOW OLD AM I?". She had the number wrong too. So it's like getting a whole year to have over again, and I didn't need to be visited by 3 ghosts to do it either! So, take 2 on this year of my life. How cool is that? See? I really don't need a thing, I get a do-over!

Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me. To my creator who''s kind enough to allow me to continue being here for another birthday, thanks! To my mother that had the courage to bring me into this world all those years ago, thanks! And to my dog that let me sleep in to almost 6:30 am on my birthday, well, we need to work on that a little.

Now, off to play with my kids.....